It’s taken me a week and a half to build up the courage to post this. Here is my first attempt at a Video Blog. 🙂 Please persevere with the clip – it takes me a bit to get into it, but you’ll see some real vulnerability. Also apologies for the background sound – try to be lulled by the lake waves lapping against the shore!
Trying something new…
by site administrator | Sep 11, 2017 | Olympics | 2 comments
Nice one 🙂 Sincere
I think you can make it, maybe because I am that same age as you, and also competing in bouldering 🙂 Also I think that in our age it is not a problem of putting yourself into hight rygor and routine (what youngs may have problem with), but more about letting go, to rest and regenerate, and raise because of that. Fingers crossed for you! And remember to have fun!
Thanks so much for your kind words Leonia! And for the reminders – they are big for me in 2019!