Welcome To My Blog

Climb Your Mountain

Tiffany Melius

Decisions, Decisions

This past weekend marks the dates that the 2020 Oceania Continental Climbing Championships was supposed to have been.  The competition that was to decide my fate for the next six months. The event that would tell me if my Olympic dream was over, or pushing onto an even bigger stage.  But it was not to be. Continentals was postponed, followed by the Olympics. At this point there is no certainty on how and when Olympic qualification will take place.

2019 Mammut Australian Open Lead, Speed, and Boulder Championships

Often I write blogs to process; sometimes it’s just to recount what happened for those following my journey. This blog is a bit of both.  Part of it is being written seven weeks after the fact (oh my gosh how has the time gone by so quickly!?!?!), and some of it was written raw and in the moment of the emotion.

World Climbing Championships 2019: Tokyo

In a word: relief.  Relief that I can still perform. Relief that I don’t have to work myself to the bone to achieve (in fact, realising that I CAN’T achieve if I am burnt out). Relief that I am not alone. I arrived in Japan two weeks before the World...

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

“The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become. Conversely, the absolute absence of burden causes man to be lighter than air, to soar into heights, take leave of the earth and his earthly being, and become only...

OBN 2019: The process of processing

It’s been two weeks now since Open Boulder Nationals. Many people have come up to me this week, concerned about my wellbeing, considering the very vulnerable blog I wrote about my experience. Last week was a scheduled training break and I took full advantage of the...